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Grace of Giving: Turning the Key to Enter and Experience Fullness of Life
Marja Meijers
It is one thing to claim we do not steal, but the logical next question would be, what do we do? How do we go from merely obeying such a command to fulfilling it in our daily lives? Is it truly possible to become a cheerful giver?

In Grace of Giving, the fourth book in this series, Marja Meijers answers these questions by taking an in-depth look at the commandment 'do not steal'. Marja offers a liberating and fresh insight on the eighth commandment as she shares how we can leave behind the way of the thief, which always cries for more, more, more. We are programmed to spend most of our lives accumulating possessions, whether they are the house, the car, the boat, the job, the money or the mate we desire. We think this will make us happier and give us a more fulfilled life. How can we shift that all-too-human attitude of gathering into an attitude of giving? In her known step-by-step method she slowly reveals the way of the Master, which is cheerful, abundant, and costly giving that will lead us into a life in all its fullness! Part of 'The Ten Commandments Series'
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