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The Theory Of Cat Gravity
Robin Wood
I have been explaining (reciting?) my theory of Cat Gravity at shows and festivals all over the country for many years now.

And, for just as many years, the people who have been listening and laughing have been asking for it to be all written down in a book.

Well, finally, it is!

The Theory of Cat Gravity, which is my Pet Theory, is all written out for your enjoyment, with decorations by Diana Harlan Stein who has been nominated for the Hugo Award several times. (I asked her to do it, because I can't do that many pictures in any reasonable amount of time anymore.) In it, I explain just what Cats are doing in those Window Ledges, and what that has to do with being immobilized by having a Cat on your Lap, and why things pile up under your bed and on your dining room table, and why it gets harder to move the older you get, and many other puzzling things. And it's all part of the same Unified Pet Theory.

And not only that, but since the illustrations are all black and white line drawings, you can use it as a coloring book!

If you have a cat, you are going to love this book. If you don't have a cat, you need it anyway to give to your friends who have cats. (But read it first, so that you are Warned! )

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