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The Adventures of Guy
Norm Cowie
Every once in a while, a book comes along that WOWS you...keeps you thumbing through the pages, causes emotions to pour from your soul...leaking stuff, like inspiration, tears of joy or sadness. It even makes the Oprah book list. Well, this ain't that kind of book. The Adventures of Guy is a book of fun, of truths so ridiculous that you just have to sit down and drink a milk shake and ponder the fallacies of human nature and satire and why some day there will be more attorneys in the world than non-attorneys...and what a world like that will be like...and you feel sorry for your grandchildren, because, thank God, you'll be buried by then...and the attorneys will still be fighting over your estate. Join Guy and his roommates Thurman and Knob, plus a comely Amazon (whose breasts, like the Big Gulp, are too big for the cup holder) on their Quest to get his little brother's brain back from sinister forces who actually believe a teenager's brain is worth something more than just playing Playstation. A Quest where they run into monsters too horrible to mention here...but we'll give you a hint...think "plumber's butt."
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