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The World According to Mimi Smartypants
Mimi Smartypants
Just who is this Mimi Smartypants, anyway?

She's 30 (but looks younger), 5'1" (but looks taler). She's never faced a situation she couldn't comment about -- especialy online! She lives in Chicago with her husband, LT, and her large cat, The Cat -- not to be confused with Kat (female friend, good for fashion advice, philosophical discussions, and getting into trouble in bars). She's never had a cavity and likes to look in other people's medicine cabinets. She's witty, urbane, outrageous, an international sensation; she's got a unique, smartypants take on ordinary life and its rampant surreality. And absolutely nothing is sacred or taboo -- not men, marriage, beer, religion, sex, marital aids, or motherhood.

Get ready world -- because Mimi's going to explain it all to you!
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