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Balloon Animals
Jonathan Dunne
BALLOON ANIMALS is a pilgrimage and road-trip of unusual dimensions.

Follow me, Jonny Rowe, on a wild goose-chase from Ireland to the USA with my American grandfather's remains in my red birthday balloon.
I use 'remains' in the loosest sense of the word: my grandfather, 45, puffed his last breaths of air into my birthday balloon before suffering a massive heart attack right there at my birthday party which becomes my deathday party.
Feeling responsible for 45's death and as a thank-you for filling Clinical Dad's void after leaving that questionable suicide note, I make it my quest to return 45 to his birthplace amongst the corn of Iowa, USA, suspended inside his soul-bubble. This journey might also help me with my identity-crisis ... I'm a genealogy student, by the way. And who knows, maybe I'll find love. I tend to find things when I'm not looking for them.
I have more detours than I had planned because 45 isn't the man we thought we knew ... if we ever knew him.
Join me on a desperate race against time to unveil the truth as my birthday balloon begins to deflate and loose 45 forever to the wind.
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