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Adversity Builds Character; An Inspirational True Life Story of Disability, Addiction and Acceptance
Tom Ufert
Adversity builds character is the story of a young man's life struggles to find his way through the trials and tribulations, family turmoil, self-determination and personal judgment.
This transformational life experience, like so many, demonstrates the triumph of the human spirit over the pitfalls in our modern world. From a divorce wrecked family life brought on by that by a disease ridden single mom, he is blessed with the first of many second chances. His godmother and her family, which becomes his stepparents, cause him to overcome personal character flaws. This new home life radically averts potential disaster and leads him to greater heights by redirecting the God-given talents of his character leading to never before realized academic and social achievements. At the height of his newfound career, his world is shattered yet again by the sudden tragic loss of his mother in a bizarre event of a mercy killing and suicide. While attempting to put this catastrophe behind him, drinking and sexual experimentation almost ruin his future hopes of a promising political career. He decides to study abroad and finds the first real love of his life. Yet short-lived and having to return, divorce of his stepparents again forces a change of direction, ultimately pointing the way to his true self. While postponing his career, he relocates and discovers a world where he finally feels at home and accepted without ridicule. As is so often the case where comfort and overconfidence leads to weakness and self-destruction, it is at this moment that one either succumbs to the burden of outside influence or gathers up all his strength to rise above like a phoenix.
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