Each of us knows someone who makes us feel as small as the period at the end of this sentence. When that happens, how many times have you just walked away angry or hurt, only later thinking of what you should have said or done? Maybe you work with such a person. Or live with him? Or confront her every day in the mirror. Nasty People raise themselves up by putting others down. They are "invalidators," but you can disarm their weapons, using everything from humor to confrontation. With Nasty People, you'll never again be defenseless against office gossips, false friends, know-it-all relatives, or the just plain SOBs. The book includes cogent insights into
How nasty people think How to deal with a nasty boss or nasty spouse Who makes a typical "victim" What you can do if you think you're the nasty person How to break the cycle of nastiness We all know it's impossible for any one person to rid the world of nastiness, but you can stop wringing your hands, tearing your hair, and biting your tongue. Nasty People will help you put an end to being controlled by nasty people so that you can start feeling good again.