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Molly Moon's Incredible Book of Hypnotism
Georgia Byng
The Barnes & Noble Review
First-time author Georgia Byng mesmerizes audiences with an entrancing tale about a down-and-out orphan who hypnotizes her way to big-time adventures.

Molly Moon is treated like dirt in her squat English orphanage, with only her pal Rocky, starry Qube soda ads, and the library stacks to give her comfort. After she discovers Hypnotism: An Ancient Art Explained in her favorite library spot, Molly begins learning the ropes and takes mental control of Petula, the orphanage's grumpy pug dog, and the nasty staff members. But when Molly finds out that Rocky's been suddenly adopted in New York, she hypnotizes her way to the city, into Broadway stardom, and -- unfortunately -- into a wicked professor's plot to rob a high-security bank. Thankfully, though, she and Rocky finally meet up, and with a few surprises, the two hatch a plan to set things right for themselves and for their orphanage.

A dazzling story that features a magnetic heroine with heart, Byng's adventure will lure readers from the start and won't let them go. Molly's abilities are enough to make any budding hypnotism aficionado envious, and while she uses them self-advancement in the beginning, they become a force for good as she grows as a person and as a friend. There's enough lighthearted reading here to keep any kid's eyes... from...getting...heavy....
Matt Warner

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