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Grand Conspiracy
Janny Wurts
"On the world of Athera, two half-brothers gifted of Light and Shadow defeated the Mistwraith. But its revenge left them cursed to life-long enmity, stirring war and deadly intrigue."Arithon s'Ffalenn, Master of Shadow, trained mage and masterbard, is the last Prince of Rathain. His life has become the cipher upon which the world's fate will turn: he is the target of powerful enemies.

His half-brother, Lysaer s'Ilessid, is now hailed as an avatar. His fanatical following has formed an Alliance of Light sworn to destroy the Master of Shadow. The Prime Enchantress of the Koriani Order seeks his capture to defeat her arch rivals. And trapped by binding vows, Elaira, who holds Arithon's heart, is commanded to arrange his betrayal.

Amid building entanglements of spellcraft and conspiracy converging to bring Arithon down, contending foes bid for power -- and their battle will threaten the bindings that imprison the Mistwraith itself...
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