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Cathexis: Desecrator's Sword
Philip Blood
Cathexis is a four book epic fantasy series. In this fourth and final book, Desecrator's Sword, the epic saga of the Ardellen family concludes. The necromantic council has been taken over by a new leader, and he brings vast armies to overpower the Sorceress and her army. They lay siege to her capital, where she digs in for a final stand against their attack. The Ardellen family and all of their friends must give everything they have. They face superior numbers, dark necromancers, horrid monsters brought across from the darkness, and an evil mastermind that has been working in secret for thousands of years. To succeed, they will need a weapon foretold of in ancient verse, hidden away for just this time. Kingdoms must fall, rulers change, and a quest to find the secret weapon completed before the siege ends, or all may be lost. The Gordian knot has tightened, but all will be resolved in the grand climax. Join the Ardellen family on this exciting action packed adventure. Wars, magic battles, ancient evil, alternate planes of existence, horrid creatures and dark plots all tangled in a battle for control of the world. This is high fantasy with the darkest of evil against the purest of good. Love, sacrifice, friendship, revenge, betrayal, and triumph all wrapped up in one massive tale. Come join the Ardellens and experience the world of Cathexis as the story concludes in book four, Desecrator's Sword.
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