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The Blessed Curse
Melissa Myers
The smoke of battle has cleared and Sanctuary lies in near ruin. The
power of the High Houses has shifted, leaving the former leaders of
the world dependent on their allies for shelter against the chaos of
the current times. The threat of the Blights looms larger than ever
with no sign of anyone to stand before them.

As tempers begin to fray and the uneasy alliance slowly falls
apart,Neph departs for Delvay in a desperate attempt to rebuild his
shattered homeland and face the coming storm. His people are few and
his land is controlled by enemies, but in the heart of Delvay rests
the secret that may save them all -- If he can master the magic to
awaken it.

The Aspects of Sanctuary are always listening, though, and even when
it appears that all hope is lost, Neph’s past returns to haunt him and
offer the key to the future he is trying to rebuild.
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