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Empty Chairs
Stacey Danson
Much more than a story about child abuse.

Did you hear a child screaming again last night? Did you ignore the sound?

In your own neighborhood, children are being given an education. They are learning the facts of child abuse: pain and suffering that will shape their futures. Except many of them won't have futures at all.

Meet Stacey. She graduated Child Abuse 101 with honors. She ran, and at age 11 hit the streets. She kept on running ...until now.

Now's time to talk.

I have been asked so often now..."What happened to you after the Palace?" I had not originally thought to write a follow up book, however I am so very touched by the generous and caring people that have asked for more of my story that I have written a sequel.

Empty Chairs book 2 "Faint Echos Of Laughter" should be released by end of 2011.
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