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Blood, Honor and Dreams
Melissa Myers
Blood: For Jala Merrodin it is the difference between poverty and power. By her Blood she has inherited the country of her birth. Now she is determined to restore it. With the help of her husband and the few friends she has, she must rebuild everything while the world itself rises for war.

Honor: Was all that Shade Morcaillo ever truly sought. Stripped of family and title he is starting over in hopes of making a difference. With the oppressive weight of his father’s rules at last lifted from his head, Shade now has free rein on his life.

Dreams: Are made of a beautiful land at peace for Symphony. From birth she has been trained for the task of leading the nations. Her life has been devoted to uniting Sanctuary, but with the threat of the Blights rising, her dreams are beginning to crumble.

Now they must decide what price they are willing to pay to achieve their goals…because nothing in Sanctuary is free.
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