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Xannu - The Prophecy
Paul Dorset
“Listen to the teachings of a wise man. You may not understand all he says but you will surely have nourishment for the future. Be positive and plan for success. Failure to plan is to plan for failure. Worry not at what came before but only prepare yourselves for that which is ahead.” (Pika’Al 10:1-5, The Scriptures of Al’Zaneed)

Xannu tells the story of Terry West, a twelve-year-old English boy, who travels to an alternate world using rune coins that he discovered while digging for old bottles. In his other parallel life he is an eighteen-year-old soldier, Teern Truthbringer, who is tasked with finding the Xannu - ‘he who will lead the people into deliverance’. The book’s accompanying scriptures, Pika’Al (The Prophecy) by the ancient prophet Al’Zaneed, provide a history, backdrop and set of clues. The book is really two stories in one, as Terry switches between his two existences. Leading a journey of discovery in one land, and remaining an integral part of his circle of friends in another, leads to many dilemmas. How will he balance the two lives he leads, solve two sets of problems, and understand the lessons he receives from both? Only time will tell. But time is something he doesn’t have too much of as everything is unfolding in ways that he could never have imagined! Xannu – The Prophecy is the first in a five-book series entitled ‘The Southern Lands’, which chronicles numerous trials and adventures on a journey that is limited only by our imaginations.
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