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The Six
K.B. Hoyle
Darcy Pennington hates her life. She is an insufferably average teenager with no real friends, crushing social anxiety, and an indescribable sense of being out of place in the world around her. when Darcy is forced to attend Cedar Cove Family Camp for an entire week, she once again finds herself on the outside of an already existent social circle of friends. It is only when she unwittingly stumbles upon a gateway to a new world that Darcy begins to realize that there might be a higher purpose for her life. She suddenly finds herself the leader of the small group of teens in the world called Alitheia, and in the end, their lives, and hte lives of countless others, will hinge on the decisions she makes. Will Darcy have what it takes to fulfill her mysterious purpose? Or will she fall prey to a deadly foe?
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