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The 12th Year Awakening
Jason Ellis
Little did Amelia know that as she dressed for school on a normal Friday morning at the beginning of March, her life would soon change forever. 'You are here because you are the only one who can defeat her. I don't know when you will meet her or where but I know it will happen. We found out your whereabouts only recently when an ancient book was discovered, telling us about the twin of Erryaz and where she could be found.'
Amelia was definitely not expecting an explanation like that. She didn't know what to say or do.

The 12th Year Awakening is the first book in the Amelia Maylock series. Amelia is a happy twelve year old girl who discovers one day that she is very special and has powers. She has an evil twin sister, Erryaz, and Amelia must learn to defeat her while searching dimensions for jewels to aid her in the final fight for good.
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