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Sirius: A Fantasy of Love and Discord
Olaf Stapledon
Sirius is a tale of immense tragic pathos in which Olaf Stapledon evokes the terrible lonliness of a dog born with the mind of a man. Thomas Trelone's life-work was to explore the possibilities of producing a superman by experimenting with hormone injections into various mammals. Sirius himself is infinitely the most successful of these trials. He is the only viable puppy born with the brain capacity of a human being, but he still has the senses, instincts, and the physique of a dog. Born at the same time as Plaxy,Thomas's youngest daughter, the child and puppy are brought up together, share the same lessons, and develop an intense understanding of one another's humanness and dogness.

It is the inevitable conflict between Sirius's intellect and instincts and its effects upon the girl, PLexy, which has produced one of the most moving of the 'Wonder Stories' we call Science Fiction.

On the cover: Paul Klee's In the Land of the Precious Stone, Woldemar Klein Verlag
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