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Massimo Marino
Currently on Promo at Amazon until 06/14

Winner of the 2012 PRG Reviewers' Choice Award in Science Fiction
Awarded the Awesome Indies Seal of Approval


Dan Amenta woke up one morning to discover the world had changed...the Apocalypse had arrived.

Death, destruction, and disaster were wreaking havoc across the globe. Yet Dan and his family remained untouched and he sensed some sort of supernatural power had left them the only three people alive on Earth. They were not.

The efforts to survive and find others brought Dan to discover the disturbing truth about the human extermination. He met Laura, who brought revelations about the catastrophe, and her presence - a young, sexy, disruptive girl - raised questions about what was moral and ethical in the new reality. Other survivors reported what they had seen, forcing Dan to seek explanations from his own past.

Ancient hallucinations strike Dan with the force of a sledgehammer and bring him face-to-face with his new role in a scenario with roots millions-of-years old. Planet Earth was now in the hands of an older power but not the one Dan had ever envisioned.

"Even with the best of intentions, cruelty is just around the corner."
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