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Anathema Rhodes: Dreams
Iimani David
After a lifetime of self-medicating fails and life finally begins its tilt toward self-destruction, Jodi - a 25-year-old writer nursing the psychological lacerations of being a "rape-child" - meets, through dreams, a special five-year-old boy who shows him how the pair may move across parallel universes to fulfill their universal purpose.
As they travel, they encounter creatures on different planes of consciousness that are responsible for specific social and moral ailments impacting and pressing mankind's evolution to ill-fated ends. In short time the boy makes an astounding revelation: that there exists, on separate universal planes, two omnipotent and infinite Gods - one created by the sheer force of mankind's collective beliefs; the other, the Source of all things. The man-made anomaly, the child asserts, must be destroyed. But, who or what is the child?
Anathema Rhodes: Dreams chronicles three days in the life of Jodi Rhodes, and the final days of humanity - as we know it.
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