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The Last Undercover: The True Story of an FBI Agent's Dangerous Dance with Evil
Bob Hamer
Bob Hamer is a 26-year veteran of the FBI. In undercover operations Hamer posed as everything from a drug dealer to an aging pedophile. His last undercover assignment-and his hardest-was infiltrating NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Now, looking back on a career rich in the kind of action that makes for great cinema, Bob tells us of the challenges he endured and overcame as he stared the dark side of humanity in the face-and never blinked. It is rare for an agent to serve undercover long-term, but he made a career out of a job that can completely consume and destroy a man. Remarkably, through all of this Bob found a way to remain true to his faith, and always put his family before his work.
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