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Chemical Sensitivity: Tools, Diagnosis and Method of Treatment, Volume IV
William J. Rea
This fourth and final volume of Chemical Sensitivity introduces and explains diagnostic and treatment practices that have been successfully used with thousands of chemically sensitive patients. Applications of various treatment methods are discussed, including:
Heat depuration
Injection therapy
Nutrition replacement
Endocrine treatment
Tolerance moderators
Behavior therapy
Volume 4: Tools for Diagnosis and Methods of Treatment also offers insight into the nature of long-term results of appropriate diagnosis and treatment of chemical sensitivity.
Features of the volumes comprising Chemical Sensitivity:
Presents results from studies of more than 20,000 Environmental Health Center (EHC) patients under controlled conditions
Incorporates the results from study and treatment of an estimated 100,000 patients from other environmentally oriented physicians and scientists around the world
Describes techniques for removal of toxins from the body
Identifies the effects of environmental pollutants on known mechanisms of immune and nonimmune detoxification systems
Emphasizes the importance of maintaining a balance between endocrine, immunological, and neurological systems and their nutrient fuels
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