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Tell Me What to Eat Before, During, and After Cancer Treatment: Nutritional Guidelines for Patients and Their Loved Ones
Jodi Buckman Weinstein
If you or your loved one has just been diagnosed with cancer, you are probably feeling overwhelmed by the diagnosis and the myriad of possible cancer treatments. What can you do to help take control of your situation, your body, and your overall well-being? Is there a special diet or food that you should eat throughout treatment?
BR>Tell Me What to Eat Before, During, and After Cancer Treatment is an informative, up-to-date book written to guide you step-by-step on how to eat throughout all the stages of cancer treatment, from diagnosis through recovery. This helpful reference reviews the most current research and expert recommendations about nutrition and cancer, and provides practical advice for patients, including the right foods to eat at the right times.
Also included are energy-boosting recipes, menu and snack ideas, tips on navigating the supermarket, an overview of key nutrients, and valuable nutrition resources. Jodi Buckman Weinstein's clinical expertise and personal experiences will help arm you with the nutrition knowledge you will need throughout your cancer journey.
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