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The Day the Universe Changed: How Galileo's Telescope Changed the Truth
James Burke
When humans understood that the earth was flat and it was the center of the universe, all life revolved around that truth. Then, Galileo introduced his telescope. And with that single innovation, architecture, music, literature, science, politics - all of it changed, mirroring the new view of truth. This program is James Burke s examination of the moments in history when a change in knowledge radically altered man s understanding of himself and the world around him.

Few people are able to look at human history and see it not as a jumble of half-remembered names and dates, but as an intricate mosaic of neatly interlocking pieces. Fewer still can describe the patterns and explain the parts of the puzzle so that it not only makes sense, but so that it also fascinates and intrigues, excites and entertains. James Burke tells history like it s the plot of the most interesting mystery ever written.
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