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Sally Rogers-Davidson
Polymer never wanted to get involved in an intergalactic war. Nor did she ever expect to fall in love with a member of the enemy forces. But when her idyllic existence on the Delta Station is shattered by the invading Gloman Empire, Polymer discovers that there is more to life than long, hot baths.

Torn from the only home she has ever known, Polymer is forced to re-evaluate her own beliefs and convictions as she joins the battle against the seemingly unstoppable Glomans.

Hunted across the galaxy by a ruthless suitor, Polymer finds herself at the centre of a terrible conspiracy and has to rely on courage, wit, and a little bit of luck to pull her through a series of events that will change the universe.

This novel, by first time author Sally Roger-Davidson, is a great read; an exciting fast paced story told by a funny and engaging heroine.
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