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The Wanderer
Monica Edwards
With her new story, Monica Edwards returns to Punchbowl Farm and the Thornton Family. As in her previous "Punchbowl" books, Mrs. Edwards writes of the normal, everyday things that happen on a farm, but her skill in describing places and her sympathetic understanding of the problems as well as the excitements that face people who are growing up to-day, set her books in a class by themselves. The chief problem facing Dion, Lindsey and the rest of the Thornton family, is what to do about Chalice, the colt, who is continually breaking out, leading the heifers after him. Then there is Peter's rabbit which also persists in escaping, and many ingenious methods are thought up to trap him. There is also the wounded fox which Dion brings home, the hen who suffers from shock and refuses to lay, and Vashti, the Siamese cat who is suddenly found to possess all the qualities of a gun dog. For Lindsey there is also the excitement of organ lessons and of composing a piece of music. Monica Edwards is deservedly acknowledged to be among the very best of modern writers for girls and boys.
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