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The Hoodwinkers
Monica Edwards
In this new Romney Marsh story Tamzin, Meryon, Rissa, and Roger discover that that whiskery old rogue Jim Decks is once again up to his nefarious activities. And this time he is hoodwinking innocent Americans who, with their love of "history", are convinced that Jim's old boat belonged to William the Conqueror. Jim must obviously be wooed away from these money-making schemes to a more honest line of business. The discovery by Rissa of the drowned village of old Winklesea gives them all an idea. Could not Jim take trippers out to see the ruins charging them so much per head? But how can they afford an engine for the boat? And can Jim be persuaded to adopt the idea? The way to make the money is soon solved and with no lack of adventures. But persuading Jim is another matter; that is until Hookey Galley gets the same idea ... All Monica Edwards' readers will be delighted with this new story. Tamzin's and Meryon's new-found feeling for each other is slightly upset by a real difference of opinion over Jim's honesty; but the situation eventually resolves itself to Tamzin's intense relief. And Rissa and Roger have discovered that after their recent visit to Punchbowl Farm they want to spend as many week-ends as possible with Dion and Lindsey Thornton, although they fling themselves with a great deal of energy into the goings-on nearer home, as do Diccon, Butterbeans Pope and Mrs. One-Who-Knows.
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