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Jonbull's Stock Guide: How to Invest Profitably in a Volatile Stock Market
J.P. Obienugh
With the global financial markets in turmoil, the new age investor on a quest for profit needs a simplified guide for charting through a stock market beset with volatility. Jonbull's Stock Guide is timely and vividly written for those astute investors willing to take advantage of beaten down value stocks at great bargains for long term profit. It contains investment strategies that were inspired by the world's finest investors, tips, fundamental guidelines, frequently asked questions and a rich glossary of investment terms that will aid and keep you well ahead of the market. For those of you who have been actively participating in the stock market, investing and reaping all of its full benefits or taking losses here and there, you might think that you have heard, seen, and done it all. Nevertheless, is that really the case? As an active player in the stock market, the author often discovers new ways of investing in the market. Superb ideas that make him think about profiting from timeless investment strategies that are way outside the prevailing and sometimes, speculative norms. Jonbull's Stock Guide outlines everything that an average investor needs to stay well ahead of the stock market in troubled times.
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