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HOLD: How to Find, Buy, and Rent Houses for Wealth
Jay Papasan
Taking investment to a whole new level, HOLD is the definitive guide to finding, buying, and renting houses for wealth. As the final entry in the Millionaire Real Estate investor trilogy, HOLD will teach you the ins and outs of long-term real estate investing through an easy-to-follow five-step process:

1. FIND the right property for the right terms and the right price.

2. ANALYZE a property to make sure the numbers and terms make sense.

3. BUY an investment property where you make money going in.

4. MANAGE your tenants and property like a pro.

5. GROW your way to wealth and financial freedom.

Coauthors Steve Chader, Jennice Doty, and Jim and Linda McKissack's collective 80-plus years of HOLDing experience, combined with their straight-shooter style, will help readers understand and implement proven strategies that will jump-start their wealth-building journey today.
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