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Wealth Virtues
James Ward
If you are looking for a book that will divulge the secret to making millions of dollars in a short amount of time without working hard at it, then you have the wrong book. If you do find a book providing that information, then put it downand walk away. If that book existed, wouldn't every reader be a millionaire?Wealth Virtues by James Ward simplifies the definition of wealth as the ability to acquire more money than you spend, and to save more than you owe. This ability comes from understanding both your behavior, and the cyclic nature of money. By applying the practice of the Thirteen Virtues of Benjamin Franklin with the Cycle of Positive Wealth, anyone can be wealthy regardless of their current income. It is simply a matter of applying the things you already know into practice. Wealth Virtues reveals the simple path to get you there.
James Ward is wealthy. Not John D. Rockefeller wealthy, but rather hasmore money flowing in than flowing out. He is or has been a successfulcomputer scientist, Coast Guardsman, Army Officer, analyst, musician, graphicdesigner, skier, manager for a defense contractor, business owner, and a writer. He is also a successful investor, but lives well within his means. As theowner of Poor Richard Web Press, he helps businesses, non-profits, andindividuals succeed with their Internet marketing goals. He also helps other writers with free online marketing tools at, and is a contributor to First Book, and organization that provides new books to children in need. Although his savings and investments continue to grow from the continual practice of Dr. Benjamin Franklin's Thirteen Virtues while following the Cycle of Positive Wealth, he realizes that his only true and most valuable treasure is his family.
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