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Jason is typical of today's college students, who are assuming unprecedented debt burdens because of relaxed limits on student loans and easily obtained credit cards. Many on college campuses are calling it a fiscal crisis. Financial Basics tackles the gaps in the personal financial knowledge of college students. Beginning with debit-credit card issues, student loan decisions, and the challenge of managing and reducing debt, Knox walks readers through money management. She skillfully addresses the how to's of checking accounts, spending plans, emergency funds, and credit histories. She discusses financial personalities and the emotions of money, as well as practical record-keeping and simple filing techniques. In Financial Basics, Knox blends her extensive money-management experience with her desire to inform and help students master their finances: she shares experiences about money lessons learned in college, and offers sound solutions and advice for students and their families. Since everyone does not handle money in the same way, Knox gives money-management options for readers to find their best way. The book includes helpful worksheets and is written in an easy-to-read style, using testimonials and examples that will ring true to students.
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