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Resurrection Inc
Kevin J. Anderson
..IT IS THE FUTURE.... AND THE DEAD WALK THE STREETS....Resurrection. Inc. found a profitable way to do it. A microprocessor brain, synthetic heart and blood-presto, anyone with the price could buy a Servant with no mind of its own, no memories of its past life, and trained to obey any command. But for every Servant created, a living worker was out of a job. Some people took to rioting in the streets, their rampages ruthlessly ended by armored and heavily armed Enforcers, eager for the kill. Some joined the ever-growing cult of neo-Satanism, seeking heaven in the depths of Hell.

Then came Danal. He was dead - murdered in a neo-Satanist sacrifice-but as a Servant he began to remember. Danal learned who had killed him. . . and what Resurrection, Inc. had in mind for the human race. . .
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