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Gadiantons and the Silver Sword
Chris Heimerdinger
They came from the past to retrieve something stolen. Something evil...and only Jim Hawkins stands in their way. Chris Heimerdinger, LDS master of high adventure, reunites the compelling characters from his best-selling novel, Tennis Shoes Among the Nephites, in an explosive saga that transports you from the familiar settings of Utah and the American West to the deep and shadowy jungles of southern Mexico. Jim Hawkins, still unable to remember his former adventures among the Nephites, in nevertheless haunted by fleeting images he can't seem to connect with any particular source. Vivid memories are returned to him bit by bit when strange and ancient visitors suddenly interrupt his lifeĀ—one desperate for his help, others desperate for revenge. Be a part of the excitement as Jim Hawkins, Jennifer Hawkins, and Garth Plimpton embark upon the most thrilling and hazardous quest of their lives: one that teaches them the true meaning of valiance in these latter days and where every step of the way they are pursued by darkest of villains.
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