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Riders of the Silver Rim
Brock Thoene
From back of book:

A tragic accident sends Joshua Roberts west to find peace. But in a lawless mining town, peace is hard to find.

Burned nearly to death under the desert sun, he brought back to life by the hands of a stranger. The powerful blacksmith now faces challenges he never dreamed of and responsibilities he never wanted. Hired to work at the Silver Rim mine, Roberts is unaware that the mine's future is threatened by the designs of greedy and unscrupulous enemies. And his own future becomes clouded as he unexpectedly meets a lovely, intriguing woman.

Roberts truly wants to do his best as constable, even though he is more at home with a blacksmith's hammer in his hand. But can he, an Easterner plagued with painful memories from the past, bring order to a frontier town and those he has come to love?
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