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Prisoner without a Name, Cell without a Number
Jacobo Timerman
The bestselling, classic personal chronicle of the Argentine publisher's ordeal at the hands of the Argentine government--imprisoned and tortured as a dissenter and as a Jew--that aroused the conscience of the world.

Jacobo Timerman (1923-1999) was born in the Ukraine, moved with his family to Argentina in 1928, and was deported to Israel in 1980. He returned to Argentina in 1984. Founder of two Argentine weekly news magazines in the 1960s and a commentator on radio and television, he was best-known as the publisher and editor of the newspaper La OpiniĆ³n from 1971 until his arrest in 1977. An outspoken champion of human rights and freedom of the press, he criticized all repressive governments and organizations, regardless of their political ideologies. His other books include The Longest War: Israel in Lebanon, Cuba: A Journey, and Chile: A Death in the South.

The Americas, Ilan Stavans, Series Editor

Winner of a 1982 Los Angeles Times Book Prize

Selected by the New York Times for "Books of the Century"

With a new introduction by Ilan Stavans and a new foreword by Arthur Miller.

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