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Book of the Dead
John Skipp
In a February 16, 2008 interview with, George A. Romero reminds us, “There was a collection of stories called Book of the Dead, in which horror and science-fiction writers came together and wrote short stories about what was happening to other people on that first night (as depicted) in Night of the Living Dead.”

Noted authors such as Joe R. Lansdale, Stephen King, Robert R. McCammon, and Douglas E. Winter use their macabre vision to bring us those stories. Forwarded by the Godfather of zombie horror himself, this anthology embeds itself in the canon of zombie lore.

Foreword by George A. Romero
"Introduction: On Going Too Far, or Flesh Eating Zombies: New Hope for the Future" by Skipp and Spector
"Blossom" by Chan McConnell (pseudonym for David J. Schow)
"Mess Hall" by Richard Laymon
"It Helps If You Sing" by Ramsey Campbell
"Home Delivery" by Stephen King
"Wet Work" by Phillip Nutman
"A Sad Last Love at the Diner of the Damned" by Edward Bryant
"Bodies and Heads" by Steve Rasnic Tem
"Choices" by Glen Vasey
"The Good Parts" by Les Daniels
"Less Than Zombie" by Douglas E. Winter
"Like Pavlov's Dogs" by Steven R. Boyett
"Saxophone" by Nicholas Royle
"On the Far Side of the Cadillac Desert With Dead Folks" by Joe R. Lansdale
"Dead Giveaway" by Brian Hodge
"Jerry's Kids Meet Wormboy" by David J. Schow
"Eat Me" by Robert R. McCammon
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