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Solomon Gursky Was Here
Mordecai Richler
Moses Berger, son of the failed poet L.B. Berger, is in the grip of an obsession. The Gursky family - with its colourful bootlegging history, its bizarre connections with the North and the Inuit, and its wildly eccentric relations - both fascinates and infuriates him.

His quest to unravel their story leads to the enigmatic Ephraim Gursky: document forger in Victorian England, sole survivor of the ill-fated Franklin expedition and charismatic religious leader of the Arctic. Of Ephraim's three grandsons, Bernard has fought, wheeled and cheated his way to the head of a liquor empire. His brother Morrie has reluctantly followed along. But how does Ephraim's protegé, Solomon, fit in? Elusive, mysterious and powerful, Solomon Gursky hovers in the background, always out of Moses's grasp, but present - like an omen.
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