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The Clue - L' Indice
Peggy Kopman-Owens
The Clue - L'Indice
© 2012 Peggy Kopman-Owens
Cover Art Designs: © 2012 Roger Kopman

Upon discovering that his best friend has ignored his warning by returning to Paris, Ben Foulof sends Jamie Litton an alarming message – “Get out, while you still can!”

A murder has been committed in Paris in an antique store named “L’ Indice.” The antique store’s strange history of unsolved murders and robberies began long before the WWII rumors of masterpieces stolen from castles on the Rhine. Jamie Litton, whose mystery writer’s imagination won’t let dead men, or secrets, rest in peace, moves in upstairs with hopes of discovering the truth for his next bestseller.

Jamie’s best friend, Ben Foulof, is untangling a personal mystery of his own in Japan, where he has temporarily sought refuge from the international news organization, which has condemned him as a rogue agent.
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