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Judgment of Tears: Anno Dracula 1959
Kim Newman
It is a new era of lascivious excess and the unending pursuit of pleasure. The year is 1959, and La Dolce Vita cannot hold a candle to La Dolce Morte. The jet setters, the intelligentsia, the artists and luminaries, the powerful and the merely curious from all over the world are descending upon "the Eternal City." The paparazzi have gathered en masse to chronicle the raucous wake of a remarkable decade -- and to shoot the beautiful ones who have arrived to be seen. Rome is in her glory, for the dark prince himself has selected this ancient metropolis of fountains and lovers and history as the site of his latest nuptials -- and everyone who is anyone, vampire and mortal alike, is planning to attend. The mad celebration has begun in earnest; the "Dracula Cha Cha Cha" is all the rage. But come the blood-red dawn, there will be a terrible price to pay. For no party truly lasts forever... and even the undead must die.
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