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The Road Unavoidable
S.I. Hayes
Meet Amara and Morgan, two strangers spending the night in the same island city, who if not for the dreams, would never have crossed paths. Blazing fires and burning green eyes, draw Morgan out from his weary task, a systematic search for the Ahurani Springs, and a piece of his property lost long ago, both of which he believes mean putting himself in Amara's unsure path.

For more than a year Amara has wandered the land as atonement for the damage of her burning hands, and now she must decide if she will go home to a people who need her, or if she will run from her responsibilities and keep her freedom. The choice is not an easy one, that is until Morgan gets his way. While he has walked many paths in this world, mostly oblivious to the others who share the road, he is willing to lend a hand if asked.

Amara is one who sees signs, and will follow them no matter where they take her. Before her lies a path she doesn't want, but must take, and a hand offered with the courage to do what is right, even if it means playing a role that is wrong.

This book contains content considered unsuitable for young readers 17 and under, and which may be offensive to some readers of all ages.

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