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Out of the Wild
Sarah Beth Durst
Beware the Wild - it bites. Ever since Julie Marchen helped defeat the fairytale world of the Wild, life's been pretty much back to normal. That is, as normal as life can be for a girl whose mom is Rapunzel. Yes, that Rapunzel.

Then the Wild mysteriously releases Zel's prince (Julie's dad!) - a rescue-minded hero who crashes full-speed ahead into the 21st century! (YOU try teaching a 500-year-old prince to use a seatbelt.) Julie's over the moon, but when a wicked Fairy Godmother kidnaps Sleeping Beauty and reawakens the Wild, Julie and her dad set off on an action-packed adventure to save the distressed damsel - and the world. If they can't, they'll spend eternity in a fairytale.
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