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Big Babies
Sherwood Kiraly
A.J. Fleger doesn't have a lot going for him. His neighbors hate him because he sells encyclopedias door-to-door. And women only like him because he puts them to sleep. But bad as it is, A.J. has always been better off than his unstable brother, Sterling, who's still reeling from the nationally televised blooper that deep-sixed his promising acting career. Now, after years of individual disappointments, the Fleger brothers are together again in California. And all hell is breaking loose. Sterling becomes so dangerously obsessed with his TV comeback that he's headed straight for America's Most Wanted. A.J. risks what little he has to land the prettiest girl in Sterling's Public Setback Support group. But either way, the Brothers Fleger are staggering after their dreams, ready to prove to themselves, their mother, and anyone else who cares that they're more than just...big babies.
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