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Such a Nice Guy
Phil Torcivia
Who am I? What do I know? What qualifications do I have to observe and evaluate? I’m just a man in his late forties who was fortunate enough to have a relatively baggage-free second shot at love and a sense of humor to avoid the depression that comes with rejection. I’m also lucky to be able to work from home, giving me the time to reflect and write about love on the West Coast. Finally, yes it’s true: people in Southern California enjoy nicer weather and provide a large dose of physical and social dysfunction, giving me plenty of writing material. This is not an autobiography. I embellish most of what I write to make it entertaining. Life is interesting, but to embellish is to add spice to the meat of a story. Forgive me for exaggerating and being judgmental and shallow at times. A nice, predictable, and politically correct Phil is a boring Phil—in person and in print. That’s why I drink, and that’s why I use my imagination. Some people will find an essay or two they are convinced is about them. Rest assured that nothing in this book is about you, it’s all about me: such a nice guy.
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