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Vacations and Other Errors in Judgment
Gene Doucette
The author of BEATING UP DADDY and THE OTHER WORST-CASE SCENARIO SURVIVAL HANDBOOK offers up a new collection of child-rearing humor! This book is essential reading for anyone who:--is a parent and needs proof that it's NOT easy after all;--is not a parent but could still use a good laugh;--is interested in reading about the horror that is Disney World;--is breathing.Learn important life lessons such as:--if you convince your children early in life that batteries are almost impossible to obtain, there are thousands of toys you will never have to worry about buying;--a well-honked horn does not in fact heal a disabled vehicle, no matter what you may have heard;--if you have to rush to a Disney park early because animals accustomed to Africa heat will be hiding in the shade by Noon, it may be time to reconsider your decision to travel to Florida in August;--doing chores around the house is not necessarily an admission of guilt;--nap-time should be extended for as long as possible, ideally until the child is old enough to vote;--whether or not an area has any decent radio stations should be a factor to consider when relocating;--in New England, drinking and driving is the leading cause of legislation;--you didn't bring enough money to Disney World. It doesn't matter how much you brought, it isn't enough....and much more!
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