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Come the Morning
Shannon Drake
Drake researched her own family's roots in Scotland all the way back to the Middle Ages for this new series, which explores the history and lore of the 12th-century war of the Highlands.

In the days when Scotland lay under siege, King David sought loyal warriors who would fight with their blood and hearts. Waryk de Graham, the greatest of these fighters, was knighted Lord Lion, but his honored position as Scottish chieftain came with a price: a Viking bride who had sworn to resist him in body and spirit.

Daughter of a Gaelic noblewoman and a Viking warlord, Mellyora MacAdin ruled her ancestral lands like a Valkyrie—wielding a sword and bowing to no man—until she found herself an unwilling captive to Lord Lion's compelling power.

Now, torn between defiance and devotion, Mellyora must decide where her loyalty truly lies...and discover the secrets of her husband's heart.
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