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Forever Yours
Nicole Salmond
Forever Yours is a journey about love and loss, two people from different walks of life united in unexpected circumstances.

Life for Tristan was never dull, his celebrity status giving him more than he could ever have imagined, but his fame came at a price. His life was played out in the spotlight every day, and no matter how idolised and wanted he was, he couldn’t help but feel the torment of his loneliness.

Stella was a no fuss kind of girl. She liked her boring life, her predictable future. She prided herself on her simplicity; no complications, no promises and definitely no relationships.

A chance encounter leaves Tristan and Stella questioning everything they once knew. Feelings Stella had buried long ago were now all too real and now she was faced with a decision, a decision that forces her to face the painful secrets of her past, the secrets that changed her life forever.
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